多元文化工作坊 Cultural Sensitivity Workshop
香港民政事務總署旗下於葵青區的少數族裔支援服務中心LINK Centre將於6月18日舉行多元文化工作坊,內容包括少數族裔文化交流、印度手繪紋身試畫、清真小食分享等等。本機構希望透過是次活動令公眾一同認識和欣賞不同文化,並體驗在港少數族裔的生活情況及困難。如有查詢或報名,歡迎聯絡蘇小姐(3955 1555)。
LINK Centre is going to organize a Cultural Sensitivity Workshop on 18/6 for local Chinese to understand different culture and living situations of ethnic minorities in HK. We will have an interactive cultural exchange, enjoy drawing henna and try EM snacks together! If you have any Chinese friends who wish to understand more about EM, PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE! For enquiry and registration, please contact Miss Karen (3955 1555).