日期 : 2018年2月10日(六)至2月16日(年卅晚) 時間 : 上午10時30分至晚上11時 2月16日營業至翌日凌晨3時 地點 : 葵芳花市乾貨攤位110號及111號(葵芳運動 場~葵芳新都會廣場對面)葵芳港鐵站 查詢電話 : 3955 155
Drama show on Kwai Tsing Theater
Want to enjoy drama show on Kwai Tsing Theater? Want to know more tips on road safety? Let us watch the drama show on road safety together in Kwai Tsing Theater !! Parents could bring their kids to enjoy ! Light snacks and small gifts will be given after the show! Target & Quota: 20…
2nd Cantonese Competition Award Ceremony & Family gathering with BBQ In Butterfly Beach Park !
Enjoying the 2nd Cantonese Competition Award Ceremony & Family gathering with BBQ In Butterfly Beach Park! Highly recommend Family to join! Return coach and food for the BBQ will be provided ~~ ** For the drink, the only juice will be provided, please bring along with your own water! Date: 13/1/2018 (Saturday) Time: 12:30 pm…
3 sessions of the workshop!
Do you want your kids to be more concentrated? It is time for you to join this parenting workshops. Learning kit will be provided after completing the 3 sessions of the workshop! Date: 12 , 19 , 26/01/2018 (Every Friday) Time: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Venue: LINK Centre
Job Fair
Jardine Aviation Services Job Fair is on Jan 21, 2018. Those who are looking for job or you know somebody is looking for one, please invite them to come to LINK Centre. There are several job vacancies on that day and you can have interview opportunities right here in LINK Centre. Don’t miss out this…
Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence Visit
Let’s go and watch something different! Call and join now!
Job Fair is coming!
If you are waiting for a job, if you want to know more about the details about this company, welcome to join us! Both part-time job full-time job are welcome to apply! Looking forward to seeing you on 18 January, 2018 ( Thursday ) at 3:00-5:00 p.m.