LINK Centre
The Home Affairs Department commissioned Hong Kong Community Network to establish the LINK Centre in Kwai Tsing to overcome difficulties arising from adapting to life in Hong Kong. The centre facilitates and accelerates the process of integrating EMs into the community, enable them to access to public services without being discriminated and, enhance young EMs to unfold their potentials and enrich their psychological well-being.
Vision Statement
We envision every EM can achieve his/her dreams using his/her fullest potential, participate in and contribute to all aspects of life, and enjoy harmonious relations in our community.
Mission Statement
- Catering the needs of EMs in Hong Kong and Kwai Tsing district in particular
- Empower EMs with language efficiency and job related knowledge and skills to attain social capability
- Enable EMs to alleviate poverty through better networking skills and knowledge of community resources
- Create opportunities for EMs to participate in and contribute to community building
- Enhance mutual understanding between EMs and the local community to facilitate community cohesiveness
Core Value
L – Linkage: Linkage is the function of connecting EMs to the community and hence accessing public services
I – Integrate: Integrate is adjacent to realize social and racial harmonious relations
N – Needs: Needs are the motivators for actions against difficulties
K – Knowledge: Knowledge is the power overcoming barriers
- Assist EMs to break the language barrier and encourage them to interact with local people as well as becoming responsible citizens of Hong Kong
- Assist EMs to attain equal educational opportunities and to reduce the risk of falling into poverty and inter-generational poverty
- Assist EMs to build social network and enhance social capital
- Assist EMs to adapt multi-cultural environment and to achieve social integration
Hong Kong Community Network
Hong Kong Community Network Limited is established in 2010, which is a nonprofit organization (91/10503). In 2012, we started developing services for ethnic minorities.
In order to enhance the support for ethnic minorities, we cooperate with different organizations, for example, ethnic minorities groups, religious groups, regional group, non-government organizations, schools and government branches to develop different services. We believe:
- Breaking the barrier of language as a cornerstone for integrating into the community
- Increasing the equal educational chances to reduce the risk of poverty and cycle of poverty
- Connecting the social and capital supports as building a bridge for the ethnic minorities to integrate into Hong Kong
- Creating a multicultural platform, embracing social inclusion
Employment Agencies Services Licence No. 087