LINK Centre’s Facility Update- Community Resources Corner
Wish to know your benefits in HK? Come to LINK Centre!
We have established the Community Resources Corner at our Centre with the topic of “Benefits” for April and May.
You can get application forms and information leaflets about the (1)Low-Income Working Family Allowance Scheme, (2)Community Care Fund Living Subsidy for non-public housing and non-CSSA households, (3)Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme, (4)Social Security Allowance Scheme as well as (5)Public Rental Housing Applications. Leaflets in different languages (including English, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog and Filipino) are available for you! Our staff are also here to serve if you have any enquires.
(1)Low-Income Working Family Allowance Scheme:
(2)Community Care Fund Living Subsidy for non-public housing and non-CSSA households:
(3)Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme:
(4)Social Security Allowance Scheme:…/site_…/page_socsecu/sub_ssallowance/
(5)Public Rental Housing Applications:…/applicatio…/index.html